Wednesday, 30 March 2011

My body is happy now.....

..... that it has had an hour long massage.  It really needed it.  I have been working so much just to make some time off to be with family that it has taken a toll.  Plus my usual Monday twelve hour day shift was stressful and chaotic, so much so that I ended up staying an extra hour just to write up my notes.  We don't get overtime, and I didn't even get supper, so was totally exhausted, hungry and frustrated by the time I got home.
      My body complained all day Tuesday, refused to go to the gym, so I agreed to wait a day.  When I got up today, my body was still aching all over and stomped its foot about working out at the gym, so I gave up and went for a massage.  Now my body is thanking me, but wondering why we have to go in for a night shift tonight, work a day shift on Friday, then a night shift on Saturday.  Why?  Haven't I made it work enough already?
     Oh, yes, that 'family' thing.  My pride and joy, Sam, practically begged me to get Saturday afternoon off work so we could spend quality, not quantity time together.  Thought it was sweet and rearranged mine and others schedules to accommodate his request.  I get an email today from said darling son telling me that he would prefer not to come home Saturday after all.  ugh, arg, poo!!  Children, aren't they peachy.
     Well, all I can say is what my mother always said to me: "Wait until you have kids of your own"!!

..... still I do hope he pops by, even for a quick visit....  I am such a sucker for my children ......

1 comment:

Lois said...

Well I hope you make the most of that time you worked so hard for!

I'm on John's small laptop in Windsor, having a nice visit. :)

Take care! Lois